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With a clear or crystalline appearance, with a color of rye straw, sometimes with a greenish tinge, this dry white wine develops aromas of white blossom (hawthorn, acacia) mingled with citrus notes (lemon, grapefruit) over a mineral base (flint, typically referred to as the odor of a flintlock gun). Sometimes one can find aromas of peach and white-fleshed fruit. The mouth is zesty and light, with balanced acidity. This lively attack is followed by a pleasing roundedness. Its salty whiff is part of the character of the land. It has a fatness to complement its crispness, producing a lasting sensation on the palate. It is general drunk young, ideally two years after harves
10002 Neighborhood Delivery Monday to Saturday between 3 and 8 Pm. $45 minimum for delivery. Sunday delivery available for a fee. 10% Off on 12 Bottles of Wine.